Kasey and William Lenz started Hunter Run to fill the tremendous gap between wild bird hunts with now limited opportunities to kicking up pen raised birds over manicured cover. Our specialty is classic Quail hunting with patch work cover of small open fields, tall pines, thick briars and broom straw hill sides. From working to develop the hunting grounds for the ultimate quail habitat to how we raise our birds, our focus is to have the best flying birds to make for the most memorable and exciting hunts!
William grew up in South Carolina, hunting the Low-Country Plantations and Swamps of the State from Allendale to Georgetown. He is equally at home either stalking red fish on the flats or walking behind bird dogs for days on end. After graduating from USC William entered Clemson University to further his education specifically in the study of wildlife management. Upon leaving Clemson, William spent twenty years in executive positions and consulting businesses.
Kasey grew up in Texas and went to St. Petersburg college in FL where she earned her vet tech degree. She worked in several small and large animal clinics in Camden, SC and Aiken, SC as well as running a Hunter/Jumper boarding barn and riding and showing her own horses. She has been a REALTOR for 15 years and now works with Better Homes and Garden Segars Realty in Hartsville, SC and specializes in recreational tracts of land for hunting and equestrian.
In 2012 William and Kasey turned their focus to improving habitat on several properties they own in Chesterfield, SC with the single emphasis on improving wing shooting by concentrating on habitat management. We have worked with the SC Bobwhite quail initiative, taken numerous forestry/habitat classes and partnered with the USDA to focus on increasing the population of our most regal bird, the Bobwhite quail, back to its former grandeur.